Exbury Fuzzy Kiwi Cheap

Actinidia deliciosa Exbury
This early-ripening fuzzy kiwi from England regularly produces huge quantities of delicious fuzzy kiwis for us here at Raintree, often ripening around Thanksgiving, 1-2 weeks before Saanichton. The sweet fruit is smaller than store bought kiwis but has the same classic flavor we expect from a fuzzy kiwi. When harvested mature but not fully ripe, they can be held in cold storage for several months and then fully softened at room temperature as needed.
In England it is reportedly self fertile but we cannot verify that. We recommend a male fuzzy pollinizer. Site in full sun and provide a strong trellis for the weighty vine.
USDA Zone: 7 and above
Mature Size: 40 Long at Maturity
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early Fall
Pollination:Â Needs a Pollinizer – one Male for 6-8 Females
Read our Kiwi Growing Guide
Additional Information
Size | 1 Gallon Pot, 2 Quart Pot |