Hayward Fuzzy Kiwi For Cheap

Actinidia deliciosa Hayward
The grocery store standard fuzzy kiwi. Hayward is a female vine that grows hundreds of large, juicy, delicious fruits each year. The fuzzy vines are long, robust growers that create a luxurious tropical feel wherever they are planted. Make sure to provide a very sturdy trellis for these quick-growing perennial vines! Fruit can be harvested at maturity, before fully ripe, and kept cool or refrigerated, where they can be selectively ripened and enjoyed for up to 6 months!
Fuzzy female kiwis must be pollinized by the Male Fuzzy kiwi. Hayward requires about 800 chill hours to reliably bloom and set fruit each year. Full sun and a nice long, hot growing season will help Hayward fully ripen all its glorious fruit.
Hardy to USDA Zone: 8
Mature Size: Up To 40 If Unpruned
Sun: Full Sun
Pollination: Requires Male That Blooms Simultaneously
Read our Kiwi Growing Guide
Additional Information
Size | 1 Gallon Pot |